Pierre Habets and Margot Heil

Margot en Pierre

In 2000 we happened to read an article by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, an American professor. It was about his scientific study of the psychological concept of flow. A form of happiness. What he wrote appealed to us very much. In the course of the following years we developed a new art-form, culminating in what is now Flow Art. Flow Art is an amalgamation of the psychological concept of flow, and of art. Your experience transformed into a bronze piece of art. It can be small or big, it can fit into the living room or a public space. Flow Art makes classical art come alive.

As part of his higher professional technical education courses Pierre attended an art course provided by Felix van de Beek, a teacher at the Academy of Arts in Maastricht. After his mechanical engineering course Pierre was conscripted into the army where he was trained as an officer with the Royal Airforce. Subsequently, over a period of more than 25 years he went into business, and worked as a product developer, project manager, business manager, and finally as a technical teacher. From 2005 to 2008 he worked as a part-time teacher at Leeuwenborgh Opleidingen, where he greatly enjoyed teaching courses in precision and mechanical engineering. In 2007 Pierre attained his teaching degree at the Fontys university of applied sciences. He now works as a full-time teacher of cultural education and as a visual artist. He works exclusively on the basis of the Flow Art concept that he developed together with Margot. A few characteristics of this special Flow Art concept are that people must be true to life, that they are actively involved in the making of their own piece of art, and that their own experience of flow is the starting point. Looking at the final result in bronze the client will go through a positive repeat-experience of his initial story. The concept of Flow Art is also perfectly suited to cultural education projects. This website displays several examples of works that have been realized.

Besides her work with Flow Art Margot Heil is also known as the author of a book entitled `Heel even`. This book was published under her maiden name and its presentation in November 2014 was a festive occasion. For more information go to her website www.margotheil.nl

Heel even Margot Heil