
Anita Bosch-Wiss visited the studio several times and told me about the abuse she suffered at a convent. When she was at home during the weekends in her childhood years she developed a ritual to escape that gruesome reality. She isolated herself and started dressing up the dog, Dinky, she had at the time. The photograph on the right shows Anita with Dinky, her dog. By mutual agreement a choice was made to model a cuddly dog, symbolising childhood. Anita recounted that she had lost her childhood as a result of what happened to her at that time. To her it meant that cuddly Dinky had to lie down on the ground. A lost childhood cannot be returned any longer. Perhaps it is possible in a symbolic way. This gave rise to the idea to make Dinky a moving dog. By moving the balloon on the right downwards Dinky is moved downwards as well. After the release of the balloon Dinky returns to the abused child. Thus the lost childhood is symbolically returned to the abused child.